Library Loot: September 15, 2010

Library Loot is a weekly meme hosted by Marg and Claire.

I thought this week would be perfect to post a library loot post because it coincides perfectly with BBAW and the question today, which is:

We invite you to share with us a book or genre you tried due to the influence of another blogger.  What made you cave in to try something new and what was the experience like?

As is normal with my library loot, quite a few of my choices were influenced by bloggers.

Sorry about the quality–I have no camera at the moment, so I had to take the picture with my phone!

The Adoration of Jenna Fox, by Mary Pearson: I can’t pinpoint one particular blogger that inspired me to get this book.  I have seen it everywhere!

Something Wicked this Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury: I have seen this one around a lot too because of the RIP challenge.

Bad Marie, by Marcy Dermansky: There are a few to blame for this one, namely Jen from Devourer of Books, Nicole from Linus’s Blanket, Rebecca from The Book Lady’s Blog and Jenn from Jenn’s Bookshelf.

The Dracula Dossier, by James Reese: This one was Jen from Devourer of Books.  She was kind enough to e-mail me this suggestion after I mentioned in her blog comments that I like reading about Jack the Ripper.

The Long Song, by Andrea Levy: I have been following Jackie’s Booker reviews on Farmlanebooks Book Blog and this one caught my eye.

After the Fall, by Kylie Ladd: I first saw this one on another blog a few months ago and it has popped up now and again since then. I checked out was mentioned first by another blogger!

What did you checkout from the library this week?

Library Loot: August 19, 2010

Library Loot is a weekly meme hosted by Marge and Claire.

I got some books today that I am super excited.  Not to mention that I got a new laptop and this is my first time posting from it!

I read the first two books in this series and then, for whatever reason, my interest fizzled out.  I am now back on the bandwagon though–this series have been great so far and I highly recommend it!

I saw this book reviewed a few days ago on Claire’s blog The Captive Reader and I was intrigued.  My husband and I have talked about starting a family in the near future, so I thought this book might be enlightening.  Or I suppose it could completely scare me off of the idea!

For the Booker challenge

Another example of a series I forgot about.  The first book was awesome, and I hope I enjoy this one as much.

I admit it . . . I am not a movie fan.  Therefore, I never check DVDs out from the library.  However, I thought this documentary about people that take their own lives by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge sounds fascinating in a morbid way, so I checked it out.

Let me know what you checked out from the library this week!

Library Loot

It’s been awhile since I posted my library loot.  It is not for lack of trips, as I still go to the library as often as before, so I guess the reason would be laziness.  Anyway, I am super excited about my books this week, so I decided to post about them.

Mailbox Monday and Library Loot

Generally I include my Library Loot and Mailbox Monday in my Sunday Salon post but this week I forgot, so I am doing a joint post for this week.

In terms of the library, I got two books.

The latter is for The Debutante Ball challenge hosted by Swapna at S Krishna’s Books and Jen at Devourer of Books.

The other two books I received in the mail.

This one was a win from Jill aka softdrink from Fizzy Thoughts.  Thanks Jill!

This one is a review copy that won’t be published for another month or two.  Not my usual fare but it looked interesting. 

What did you get this week?

The Sunday Salon

Happy Mother’s Day everyone.  I am excited for brunch in a little bit with my own mom–yum.  Later on this week I’ll be traveling to New Orleans and getting married.  And then I will be . . . Mrs Borders!  How fitting is that–my new name will be that of the bookstore.  I plan on posting at least one review while I am gone.  Hopefully two if I finish my current book.

This week I read two books: Fun Home, by Alison Bechdel and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot.  For those who haven’t read the latter, do it!!  All the rave reviews are true–this is a great book.  I am now reading The Little Giant of Aberdeen County, by Tiffany Baker.  After that, I will be reading Murder on the Orient Express, by Agatha Christie, followed by The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest, by Stieg Larsson. 

I checked four books out from the library yesterday.

Rubyfruit Jungle, by Rita Mae Brown (for the GLBT challenge)

Blue Angel, by Francine Prose

Bad Things Happen, by Harry Dolan

Charity Girl, by Michael Lowenthal

I hope everyone has a great day.  I have to go to brunch now but afterwards I will be back to check out everyone else’s Sunday Salon!

Sunday Salon

Ahhhh–another Sunday!  Unfortunately, this Sunday will not involve me laying around reading and being a lazy bones (is it just me or does it seem like I never get that luxury anymore?!).  Hopefully I will get at least a little bit of reading done though!  I feel like my reading has been declining a bit recently and I hope to remedy it soon.  I read two books this week, which isn’t terible.  Yellow Jack, by Josh Russell and Secondhand Smoke, by Patty Friedmann.  Both are set in New Orleans, which is where I am getting married this month.  I hope to read one, maybe two other books set in NO before my wedding, so we’ll see!

I was able to go to the library yesterday and pick up a bunch of holds that I had.  I’ve been checking less and less books out recently trying to get through the ones I already have out, not to mention all the books I have at home, so it’s been awhile since I came back from the library with a full load.  I have been meaning to get into graphic novels in the past few months but I have only read French Milk so far, so I went ahead and checked out a boatload of graphic novels.  Please share your thoughts if you’ve read any of these books!

The Likeness, Tana French

Shortcomings, Adrian Tomine

Wildly Romantic: The English Romantic Poets: The Mad, the Bad and the Dangerous, Catherine Andronik

Columbine, David Cullen

Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, Alison Bechdel

Case Histories, Kate Atkinson

As you can see, I also got a lot of novels and books that aren’t graphic.  I got The Likeness and Case Histories because I have been yearning for a good mystery since reading The Girl That Played with Fire.  The crappy part is that I want to read all my new acquisitions NOW!!

As for everyone else, I hope you enjoy your Sunday 🙂