Sunday Salon

Ahhhh–another Sunday!  Unfortunately, this Sunday will not involve me laying around reading and being a lazy bones (is it just me or does it seem like I never get that luxury anymore?!).  Hopefully I will get at least a little bit of reading done though!  I feel like my reading has been declining a bit recently and I hope to remedy it soon.  I read two books this week, which isn’t terible.  Yellow Jack, by Josh Russell and Secondhand Smoke, by Patty Friedmann.  Both are set in New Orleans, which is where I am getting married this month.  I hope to read one, maybe two other books set in NO before my wedding, so we’ll see!

I was able to go to the library yesterday and pick up a bunch of holds that I had.  I’ve been checking less and less books out recently trying to get through the ones I already have out, not to mention all the books I have at home, so it’s been awhile since I came back from the library with a full load.  I have been meaning to get into graphic novels in the past few months but I have only read French Milk so far, so I went ahead and checked out a boatload of graphic novels.  Please share your thoughts if you’ve read any of these books!

The Likeness, Tana French

Shortcomings, Adrian Tomine

Wildly Romantic: The English Romantic Poets: The Mad, the Bad and the Dangerous, Catherine Andronik

Columbine, David Cullen

Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, Alison Bechdel

Case Histories, Kate Atkinson

As you can see, I also got a lot of novels and books that aren’t graphic.  I got The Likeness and Case Histories because I have been yearning for a good mystery since reading The Girl That Played with Fire.  The crappy part is that I want to read all my new acquisitions NOW!!

As for everyone else, I hope you enjoy your Sunday 🙂

5 Responses

  1. I haven’t read any of those books, but I’ve heard Columbine is extremely well written.

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  3. Oh I hope you’ll enjoy The Likeness. I loved it! Have you read the first Tana French book? I thought Fun Home was really good too although it was a lot more serious than I expected. Hope you enjoy your loot!

  4. I read Eleanor Rushing by Patty Friedmann last year and really liked it.

    I’ve read two of the books you brought home from the library, Fun Home and Case Histories. I liked both of them, especially Case Histories.

    I hope to read The Likeness one of these days as well as Columbine. I’ve heard both are really good.

    I hope you have a great week!

  5. I’ve had Case Histories sitting in the massive TBR mountain for months. Maybe you reading it will be my inspiration to pull it out!

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