BBAW Day Two Continued . . . My TBR Pile

BBAW_Celebrate_BooksOkay Book Bloggers!!!

It’s time to get creative!  If there’s one thing book bloggers seem to have in common, one bittersweet fact, one troubling but joyous shared burden….it’s the TBR pile.

Show us your TBR pile!!!

But don’t be all boring about it….get creative!  Try to reveal something to us about yourself through your TBR pile…I’m not going to tell you HOW to do that, just that you SHOULD do it because BBAW is all about getting to know one another better!

My creativity at this point is sub par.  Partially because all my TBR books are mixed in with my other books.  I alphabetize my books, so the books I’ve read are mixed in with those I have yet to read.  I guess I’ll solve this problem by posting pics of ALL my books.  I will leave it up to the viewer to guess how many I’ve read and how many are just languishing on my shelves.

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I apologize for the crappy quality–I can’t figure out how to upload pictures from my camera to my new computer, so these were taken with my cell phone.  The top two bookshelves are in my bedroom and the three in the bottom picture are in my den.  I recently moved, so I haven’t fancied up the shelves yet with my knick knacks.

Now I do have a small TBR section on top of my computer for review copies and Bookswim books, since those are more time sensitive.

IMG00192So how does my book collection compare to yours?  Am I still in control or do I have an addiction?

BBAW: Day One!

BBAW_Celebrate_BooksSo exciting to see that Book Blogger Appreciation Week has kicked off this morning.  I am beyond excited to see what this week has in store.  Should be fun times.

And to help get the party started, BBAW has asked us bloggers to name our favorite blogs.

What book blogs mean something to you?  Who are your most trusted sources for recommendations, your greatest help, the blogger you turn to for a laugh or to vent?  Whose writing do you admire or who introduced you to a whole new genre you didn’t know about?  We want to hear all about them…because we want to know them too!  Please share about the blogs we haven’t had a chance to meet via BBAW and let the party begin!

There are a few tried and true book blogs that I am always checking out.  Hey Lady, Watcha Readin’ is one.  I just love her spark and enthusiasm.  I also love The Bluestocking Society and The Boston Bibliophile.  But there are two blogs that have really inspired me and are the reason I have my own blog.  The first one is Devourer of Books (  There is something about that blog that just draws me in and I find myself checking it constantly for new posts.  The second blog that really inspired me, and is the first book blog that I ever saw, is The Literate Housewife.


If you’ve never checked out her blog, you should.  It’s a lot of fun and she’s got some wonderful reviews on there.

So come on, share.  What are your favorite book blogs?

BBAW September 14-18, 2009

BBAW_Celebrate_BooksI wanted to take a minute to post about this years BBAW (Book Blogger Appreciation Week).  Because I’m new to the book blogging world, I have yet to participate, but this year’s BBAW is fast approaching and I am super excited!  BBAW is a chance to network with other bloggers and spend some time appreciating the book blogging world.

To get everyone amped for the 2009 BBAW, there is a meme going on.  It was actually posted a few weeks ago, but I’m a bit late to the game.

1)  What has been one of the highlights of blogging for you? I began blogging about books about two years ago as aa way to keep track of what I’ve read.  Over the years, it becomes difficult to remember every single book, so blogging started out as a way for me to jot down crucial thought, plot points, etc about the books I’ve read.  Last month I decided to really delve into book blogging by starting this blog, so that I could get more involved and also expand my horizons as a reader.  This blog has already helped me accomplish some of that in just a months time.
2)  What blogger has helped you out with your blog by answering questions, linking to you, or inspiring you? There are a lot of great bloggers out there and while I haven’t forged a relationship with anyone in particular, they’ve all been great inspirations to me.
3)  What one question do you have about BBAW that someone who participated last year could answer? I don’t really have any specific expectations, since I have never participated in BBAW before, so there are really no questions I have at this point.  I’m just enjoying the atmosphere and I’m excited to see what’s in store this year.