The Sunday Salon

Happy Sunday! I am happily lazing about in bed with a caramel macchiato from Starbucks and a sausage mcmuffin from McDonald’s. Perfect!

I finally finished The Historian on Friday night.  It was a good book but I feel like when you’re writing such a lengthy book, you really need to make it super compelling.  Kostova did that in some parts but then the book fell flat in other parts.  So it did have some problems, but I am glad I read it.

Now I am reading Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury.  It’s a very short book, but I fell asleep last night with about 40 pages.  I just could not finish it, as much as I wanted to! It sucks when your eyes and brain fail you.  As soon as I catch up on my Google Reader, I will be finishing it.

I posted two weeks ago that I plan on participating in a read-a-thon this week.

I still plan on participating.  I plan on making it very casual though.  I just want to put aside more time for reading than usual, especially since I got less reading time in this past week, as BBAW kept me blogging much longer every night than usual.

Speaking of BBAW, I had a blast!  I participated to my fullest and I got a lot out of it, including countless new blogs added to my reader.  Thank you for everyone who volunteered in BBAW and made it what it was!

I hope you all have a great Sunday.  What do you plan on reading today?

9 Responses

  1. This is probably a stupid comment, but i love that button for the readathon. 🙂

  2. BBAW was tons of fun! I hope you have a great time with the read-a-thon. I’ve got a crazy week, so I probably won’t get much read, but I hope to finish up Nothing Left to Burn by Jay Varner today.

  3. We have just reviewed Fahrenheit 451 for our blog so Ill be interested in reading your review.

  4. I loved BBAW too, but am always so exhausted when it’s done. I can’t imagine how exhausting it is for those who are running the whole event.

  5. I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed The Historian even if you had problems with it. I’ve got it on my shelves and have been meaning to read it for some time now. Maybe this will be the year…hope you have a great week and good luck with the readathon!

  6. Oh, that macchiato and mcmuffin sound good! Anyway, I haven’t read The Historian yet. Another one to add to my TBR list!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  7. Did you go out for the macchiato and muffin then come back and get back into bed? Or did someone go out for you??

    I love that button and would almost be tempted to join just so I could display it. How weird is that??

  8. Oh, that sounds like heaven with the coffee and breakfast! If only! 🙂

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