The Sunday Salon

Happy Sunday everyone!  As you all have noticed, it has been slow going over here.  I have been moving and I am not. even. done.  It seems neverending!  There is still some stuff left at the old house, plus some unpacking to do.  The good news is, I am getting back into my reading.

This week I finished Mudbound, by Hilary Jordan, as well as reading A Reliable Wife, by Robert Goolrick and Before I Fall, by Lauren Oliver.  All three were good reads, so I am gaining some momentum after my reading funk!  I have no just started The Gravedigger’s Daughter, by Joyce Carol Oates.  It’s a little on the long side, so I hope I don’t get bogged down.  I will also need to get back to Wolf Hall for the read-a-long I posted about earlier this week.  I had kind of thought I was putting it down for good last time, so I am glad I have some motivation now.

Fiance is golfing today, so I slept late!  Now I have to get moving and start getting everything organized.  Needless to say, I am not looking forward to it!  I hope everyone else has a chance to enjoy their Sunday!

7 Responses

  1. I’ve been moving for a month! I don’t think it’s ever going to end. LOL. Actually, the end is in sight for us in a couple of weeks. Then we just need to figure out what we’re doing with the old place. Good luck with yours – I’m glad you’re reading again!

  2. Oddly enough this has been one of my most productive months as I had some sort of reading splurge in the past week and a half. But I’m not moving – which I remember as being horribly time consuming and frustrating!

  3. Oy … the last time I moved was in 1993. Now we’ve accumulated so much stuff, I don’t think we can ever move again. *LOL*

    I thought Mudbound was a wonderful book … one of my favorites. I am also looking forward to Before I Fall.

  4. I can sympathize with you, having moved three times (and to different states, too) within the last 10 years! Unpacking is definitely very time-consuming!

  5. Moving is never easy! It can take a really long time to sort through everything and it really does take over your life for a bit but once your done it feels so good!

  6. Moving…ugh. But Amused is right, when you’re done it feels so good!

  7. Good luck moving! The Gravedigger’s Daughter is a little bit long, but I enjoyed it last year when I read it.

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