Library Loot: September 29, 2009


Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Eva and Marg that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library.

I just got back from the library!  I had a couple of items on reserve to pick up.

First off, audio books







I also got two childrens/YA books to read in honor of banned books week.



Anyone else find anything goot at the library this week?

7 Responses

  1. I’ve listened to A Short History, and it was fabulous. Except then I realized it was the abridged version. So now I have the unabridged, but I have yet to listen to it. Go figure.

  2. I am learning to love audio books, although sometimes I wonder if I would have enjoyed the book more if I had read it. But they do keep me sane at work!

  3. David Sedaris is hysterical! Hope to read When You Are Engulfed in Flames soon (or maybe listen to it).

  4. I just renewed Sadia Shepard’s The Girl from Foreign: A Search for Shipwrecked Ancestors, Forgotten Histories and a Sense of Home, and I checked out Laurie R. King’s The Language of Bees (her latest Mary Russell novel).

  5. David Sedaris is a favorite author of mine, and he’s great on audio.

  6. Still haven’t been to the library. Waiting to see if my holds came through.

    Sedaris is fabulous. That’s not my favorite of his books but still it’s good. Enjoy your loot!

  7. I’m not a audio-booker but I loved Looking for Alaska. I keep meaning to try Bryson.

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